20 minute opera, performed by Decoder Ensemble in Berlin and premiered during Music Biennale Zagreb on July 16h 2021. The storyline follows a young boxer Andrei who gets badly injured in an illegal underground fight in Berlin. Fan, a woman in her late thirties, nutritionist/pharmacologist, who has just fallen in love with Andrei, calls her best friend Anne, a surgeon and her ex-lover, to operate on him in an undercover hangar in the outskirts of Berlin. Because Andrei is about to die, Fan demands that Anne administers Xinsheng to him in order to make the operation and his chances of survival more successful. Xinsheng is a new experimental drug that Fan invented. It has great regenerative properties, but since its not completely perfected, it also has severe side effects. At first, Anne is reluctant to administer the drug, but when Fan says she’ll never speak to her again, should Andrei die, Anne, still in love with Fan, decides to go along with Fan’s plan.
SOPRANO | Nina Guo | |
PERFORMERS | Decoder Ensemble | |
Clarinet | Carola Schaal | |
Violoncello | Sonja Schmidt | |
Percussion | Jonathan Shapiro | |
E-Zither | Leopold Hurt | |
KEYBOARD | Sebastian Berweck | |
DIRECTOR | Heinrich Horwitz | |
LIBRETTO | Aleksandar Hut Kono | |
VIDEO | Lara Rodríguez Cruz | |
CAMERA | Jule Katinka Cramer | |
AUDIO RECORDING | Anne Tägert | Carlo Grippa |
Credits: Soprano: Nina Guo Performers: Decoder Ensemble (Carola Schaal, Sonja Schmidt, Jonathan Shapiro & Leopold Hurt) Keyboard: Sebastian Berweck Director: Heinrich Horwitz Libretto: Aleksandar Hut Kono Video: Lara Rodríguez Cruz Camera Jule Katinka Cramer Audio Recording: Anne Tägert & Carlo Grippa
Composer, Researcher, Curator of Contemporary Music
Site by Daniel
Composer, Researcher, Conductor of Contemporary Music